Manthan 13

ISSN: 0974- 6331
Volume: 13
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Editorial From Editor’s Desk
1.A floristic reconnaissance of Churdhar wildlife sanctuary of
Himachal Pradesh, India
Ritesh Kumar Choudhary and Joongku Lee Research Article, Open Access
(Ref Id:     )                   
Published on April 2012           
Page no.
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2.Adaptogenic and anti-stress activity of Withania somnifera in
stress-induced mice
Anju and Ashis Kumar Ghosh,Research Article, Open Access
(Ref Id:             )               
Published on April 2012         
Page no.
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3. Biodeterioration of active principles of Catharanthus roseus by
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
S.K Pandey and A.K. Roy,Research Article, Open Access
(Ref Id:     )                 
Published on April 2012         
Page no.
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4.Surface analysis of steel samples polarized anodically in H3PO4- HCl
mixtures  by SEM and EDAX techniques
Rita Khare
Research Article, Open Access
(Ref Id:           )                 
Published on April 2012   
Page no.
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5.Preparation of Mixed Phase Strontium Fertile Nanoparticles and Effect
on Magnetic Properties
Rakesh Kumar Singh,Amarendra Narayan, R.N. Roy and Avinash C. Pandey
Research Article, Open Access
(Ref Id:          )             
Published on April 2012       
Page no.
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6.Information Technology in Educational System in India:A Critical
Shamshir Ali, Navin Kumar and Videsh Kishori Thakur
General Article, Open Access
(Ref Id:             )           
Published on April 2012       
Page no.
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7.The Multi- Dimensional Aspect of Plant Tissue Culture Research
Rashmi Komal
General Article, Open Access
(Ref Id:                )       
Published on April 2012             
Page no.
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8.Acid Rains: Causes,Effects and Remedy
Ashok and Sangram Singh
General Article, Open Access
(Ref Id:         )     
Published on April 2012           
Page no.
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9.The Study of Role of Information Technology in post
liberalization era in India (1991 to 2011)
ISSN No. 0974-6331
Priti Kumari
General Article, Open Access
(Ref Id:         )     
Published on April 2012           
Page no. 37-40