Authors Guideline

Instructions to Authors

Manthan is a quarterly E-journal published by BBrains Scholastic Center, A Gyan Kendra (Under BBrains Development Society). Articles are welcome for submission from all subject areas. Articles submitted for publication are first reviewed by the Editorial Board who has right to accept/ reject or edit the contents of article. Before submitting articles, authors are requested to carefully go through the following guidelines: A. Articles must be submitted electronically through Email, hard copies are not accepted. Upload your article on

Email or hardcopy will not be accepted.

B. Submission of an article will be held to imply that it is not published before anywhere or not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

C. Articles should be original and contains significant information of the subject.

D. Preparation of articles: 1. Articles must be written and typed in English using Microsoft Word, double spaced, on A4 page size with ample margins.

1. All of the pages should be consecutively numbered starting with the title page.

2. The recommended fonts used are Arial, and the font size should be 11 point.

3. Do not use non-English fonts (can use symbols like u, b, a etc.), otherwise the PDF files cannot be reproduced perfectly.

4. The title page contains title of the article in bold form with font Arial and size should be of 12.

Author/ co-author name should be written just below the title text with font arial, 11 point size.

Full name of author and co-authors, their affiliation and addresses with email should be written below the title with font Arial and size 10.  Co-author’s name and their affiliation should be written after by author.

5. Abstract should be in maximum 300 words; Heading “Abstract” in Bold form with Arial and size 11.The text of abstract should be of 11 size.

Keywords must be started side below the text (abstract) with heading Keywords (in bold form, 11). Keywords should be written with coma (,) not in bold form. 

6. The text may be divided into headings and sub-headings such as Introduction, Materials and methods, Results& Discussion, Conclusions, References (Arial, 12 size & in Bold form, Underlined).

The complete article (except table, figure illustration etc, on separate page) should be in maximum 3500 words. 

  • Download Abstract Writing Format : Here
  • Download Full Paper Writing Format : Here
  • Download Authors Guidelines : Here

7. Authors must include the acknowledgements. 

8. References must be code in text with in [] square brackets (not in bold form) in Arabic form like [1], Two references may be code together as per need like [1,2]. It must be numbered consecutively in the order that they are appeared in the text.

9. A list of references should be included at the end of the text.

10. Prepare heading of tables, figures, graphs, charts, images, line diagrams, illustrations etc with font Arial & size 12, bold form on separate page.
The tables, figures, graphs, charts, images, line diagrams, illustrations must be coded in the text in bold form with size 11, in square brackets. 

11. Number tables and figures; put a legend on top of the table. Legends to the figures may be presented on separate page.

12. Presentation of figures in JPEG format is recommended with appropriate resolution that can be subjected to reduction or enlargement, if required.
Diagrams or figures & graph should be preferably in color.

13. Remember that all the text, tables and figures should be in editable format so that it can be adjusted to the format of journal.

** The reference style in the list should follow

Author/s name initial followed by surname, Title, Journal abbreviated name, volume, year in bracket and page numbers. Please see the example below:
The name of Journal should be written complete full like “Manthan”.

[1] I. Listowsky, M. Abramo   vitz, H. Homma, Y. Niitsu, Intracellular binding and transport of hormones and xenobiotics by glutathione S-transferase, Drug Metab. Rev. 19 (1998) 305‐318.