Mind Transformation Course (MTC)

Ghanshyam Singh
New Delhi, India.

Are you burned out on trying hard but failing? Now, after passing through Mind Transformation Course, you shall learn - "How to Perform Like A Champion, Make A Quantum Leap in Your Life, And Increase Health, Wealth, Power, Happiness and Success with Transformed Mind", indeed you learn how to win at the games of life.
Mind Transformation Course (MTC)' is an advanced re-discovered manual that aims to let you understand the process of human conditioning and how to achieve an awakening from this imposition. We are born in a body with animal instincts, we carry the baggage of past lives (it seems) and to add to this we develop survival solutions upon the lines of our racial culture, and according to our particular upbringing and experiences. But no one need accept that they must remain as they were shaped by their hereditary body-mind and by the conditioning of their childhood and culture.
This is a complex and tangled mixture but it is possible to separate out these strands and to find our true identity. In so doing, we discover what mind is, how mind plays a great role in our success and failure, we also understand the reasons why we make failure, friendships break down, marriages go sour and misunderstandings occur, why life may contain more stress than pleasure and why our purposes in life often become obscured. With this knowledge we can transform our minds - and that is the prerequisite to fundamental change for the better.
The Mind Transformation Course through Irresistible Success Formulas is an easy-to-follow process to stop getting what you don't want and start getting what you do want...
What is Mind Transformation Course? This Course transforms the simple mind into Super Mind. During the course, the most powerful mind transformation tact and techniques are taught which are best comprehensive by all. In the classes of MTC, you are introduced the thrilling and stunning mysteries of mind, so the attendees of MTC are. With a more flexible outlook and greater freedom of emotional expression, new horizons may appear, and goals approached that before seemed out of reach. Problems and difficulties now become opportunities for creative choice and valuable learning, stepping-stones towards what you really want to achieve.

When, as with many people, 90% of the brain's capacity is not utilized optimally due to neurotic repression, the remaining 10% is apt to fall into a robotic state. The individual acts out imprinted behavior patterns which are predictable from day to day and only responds semi-consciously when something attracts his attention. The under-utilized 90% is susceptible to hypnotic influences and the individual is driven by his environment and circumstances; this is far from the self-determined state he probably considers himself to be in. For most of us, a radical program of reawakening is urgently needed!

What is required of you?

An open mind and a genuine desire to learn and expand. The major goal of Transformational Psychology is to facilitate the development of self-determined people taking full responsibility in their lives. Indeed, we need to explore the unmapped territory of our minds and develop it to the full, if we are each to have the insight to be able to effectively cut through the blinkered thinking in our environments, and to make an impact on what is happening to our world's social, economic and ecological systems. Resolving the chaos of fixed ideas which nearly everyone has to some extent, is a gradient process of analysis, of rediscovering both objective reality and the unique, intuitive truths which lie within ourselves.

Like a magic wand, this systematic process turns anything you do into a successful outcome. Using it, you will hit your targets, you will meet your goals, you will fulfill your expectations, and you will find the way to live your dreams and put your life on track.

Chances are that you've never really succeeded in a big way--simply because nobody ever showed you how Olympic gold medalists train, how millionaires pace themselves, and how top entertainers practice until they're the best.

This unique system was formulated after researching peak performers. It will take you by the
With the release of The Irresistible Success Formula™ you can take your current skills and go from wherever you are right now to cranking out one success after another in a stunningly short time.

Your family and friends will wonder what has happened to you. You'll be lit up with passion and power and move past obstacles with reckless abandon.

Take control of your life with this detailed system. I will take you by the hand and make you the winner that you know you really are inside.

Best of all, you can use it to succeed at anything.

You will learn in a clear way (yes, without any confusion at all):

What is the one essential element in setting any goal.

What two things you must believe before any type of success is possible.

What is the single thing you must know before you reach any goal?

Why a strategy that does not use this simple tactic is bound to fail.

Why skipping these five basic principles of The Law> of Attraction will have you'll be whistling in the wind.

But, despite this priceless knowledge, gleaned from the experience of peak performers, what really makes this simple, highly-practical course stand head and shoulders above anything else in the marketplace is that I explain exactly what it means to be in the Zone and how to get there at will. I even provide a special audio to plug you into it.

The MTC is designed to take you from where you are right now to where you want to be.

The MTC is right, only, if you -

?? want results. You want results that can be proven and you want them now. You'll get measurable results and you'll get them fast. All you have to do is put in the effort and stay on task.

?? want to track everything for bottom-line results using a solid metric. You want to know how and the details and specifics of what to do and when to do it. Well, you can tailor this entire system to be
If you want to subjugate and transform a subject of a kingdom, you will need to subjugate and transform the king. And the moment the king is controlled and transformed the whole subject will follow their king. In the same manner, mind is the King of the Universe-Kingdom, so, the minute, your mind is transformed, and the whole universe and the being residing in it, get transformed. To transform the life and surroundings, the mind must be transformed.

The transformed mind knows well:

• How to counteract concerns that weaken your natural confidence.
• How to discard what is extraneous or unnecessary.
• How to use the most effective resolutions to improve yourself.
• How to change your inner world to powerfully influence your outer one.
• How to stimulate thoughts that automatically make you self-confident.
• How you already possess a solid foundation for tremendous self-confidence.
• How applied self-confidence can improve your life and take you to a higher level of success.
• How to appreciate your uniqueness and stop sabotaging yourself
• How to outshine your competitors in any job.
• How to encourage others to become more confident.
• How self-confidence is different from narcissism and arrogance.
• How to bring more love into your life.
• How to be confident enough to succeed.
• How self-confidence makes you a better learner and display more aptitude and talent.
• How to use positive thinking to rise in self-confidence.
• How to skirt the poison of negative, self-defeating thoughts.
• How to tap your higher potential as your confidence soars.
• How to stop filtering admiration others express toward you.
• How to stop belittling yourself with fatuous comparison with others
• How to be very professional in your job.
• How doing what you love is the ultimate tonic for high self-esteem.
Who are you? Where did you come from? Why are you here? And where are you going?

Can you define your world?

Dare you dream? And dare you give yourself over to your dream?

No matter what tribulations and heartaches you’re currently experiencing, no matter what obstacles and setbacks, no matter how great your frustration at the relentless forces opposing your dream, remember one thing—it isn’t over until you win.

If you can truly believe that it is possible—regardless of your current reality—then somehow and in someway, you will bring out the greatness that is in you into reality.

Follow your dream, even if it is an impossible one.

You can never hope for too much.

You can never dare too much.

“It isn’t over until I win.” Make that your mantra.

Now here's how to do it...

The Invitation:

Start A Winning Streak

Does success appear to elude you?

You've read books, listened to audios, viewed videos, and attended live seminars on success. At times, you felt that you were about to make it, then the motivation faded and you crashed back down to mediocrity.

Or perhaps you got confused by all the success principles in the 300 page binder you paid a large amount to get.

Listen it's not that this information is incorrect. Nor is it because there is insufficient information. Nor is it because the success gurus are schemers and hucksters. That's not it at all.

The problem, if I may call it that, or the challenge, is this: with all that good information by all these people who have obviously succeeded in a big way where do you start?

You've probably already discovered that there are many success principles. The more books on self improvement you read, the more you'll find. There may even be as many success principles as books on them.

The result of all this information is not more success stories. Rather it is more confusion.

People don't know where to start on their journey to success.

Yet is there a system of success, an elegant synergy that works every time?

Is there, in fact, architecture of success? A step by step process that anyone can follow, regardless of their current circumstances?

And can this success system be applied anywhere at anytime for anything by anybody?

The answer is "Yes!"

I've named it the Mind Transformation Course. If you give me a few minutes of your time, I'd like to tell you about it. It's simple to understand, but it's not easy. And I'm not trying to pull the wool over your eyes and claim that success is a walk in the park if you just follow the right system.

Success is always a challenge. It's a movement to a higher order of existence. Naturally, it's not easy.

But it is simple. All you have to do is follow in the footsteps of those who have succeeded.

It's simple, but not easy.

Yet, for most people, it's not even simple. Because they have no sense of direction. This means that they put a lot of energy in doing everything wrong. So they give up in frustration.

You can't get to your destination without a map. And if you're following the wrong map or no map at all, you're lost before you even start.

So, here, then, is the map.

First go here, and then go there. The Mind Transformation Course is a 4-step series of actions you have to take to succeed. The first 2 formula are internal. You will do them mentally.

The last 2 are external. You will do them in the world.

I am going to present them to you in such a simple way that there will be no confusion in your mind anymore about what it takes to be successful. Those of you who master the secrets contained in this course will be handsomely rewarded for every step you follow. You will become an undisputed and irresistible winner.

These secrets have been extracted from the formulas used by successful Olympic athletes, businessmen, and famous entertainers. I have tracked what they did right and compiled them into a system that anyone, no matter how humble their present position, can follow.


ensured to have well understanding and familiar with mind and it’s behaviors for desired results.
It’s important to note that "mind" is not synonymous with brain. Instead, in our definition, the mind consists of mental states such as feelings, perception, mental visualization and consciousness. The brain is the hardware that allows us to experience these mental states.
Our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. In other words, our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are!
On the other hand, what we do with our physical body (what we eat, how much we exercise, even our posture) can impact our mental state (again positively or negatively). This results in a complex interrelationship between our minds and bodies.
Mind-body specialist Dr. James Gordon states that the mind and body are essentially inseparable: "the brain and peripheral nervous system, the endocrine and immune systems, and indeed, all the organs of our body and all the emotional responses we have, share a common chemical language and are constantly communicating with one another."
When you feel angry or depressed, in a self-defeating way, this is the result of negative or irrational inner-speech that you may not even be aware of, as it is often very fleeting or below the threshold of consciousness, or simply not recognized as such.
Considerable mental energy is locked-up by continuing to repress feelings and emotions, and this is justified by irrational and over-generalized conclusions about self and others.
The techniques to be presented will enable you to look again at your beliefs with a fresh viewpoint. This will help you to release the effects of held-back trauma and have fuller access to your potential for intuitive, creative and holistic thinking.
hand...and show you exactly what to do, step by careful step, to reach any goal and fulfill any dream.

Failure is not an option with this process.
It's so exact, it's like a science. It works because it's based on what champions do to create outstanding results. When you model excellence, you can't help but manifest excellence.

This is not the usual course, e-book or secret "system." In fact, it's unlike anything else you may have seen before. It's a fast, simple, and sure way to accelerate your success, boost your goals and crank up your results... Even if any major success has eluded you until now.

Is this for you? Let me ask you: does your life feel stagnant because it's not moving forward? Do you fail often? Have you wondered how some people appear to easily succeed? Perhaps you're doing fine, but deep down you know for certain that you can do an even better job. Or maybe you're about to buy yet another success book or sign up for another seminar or hire another personal coach, but you're beginning to lose hope that anything can help you now.

As a psychotherapist for only a handful of people who could afford my outrageous fees, I've been using a special method to help others succeed. And I'm going to share with you exactly what it takes to move up in life. It will be a no-holds-barred session and training program.

You'll be astonished at how it is a simple process after all. I repeat: It's not complex.

If it really were complex nobody would succeed at anything. The fact that there are some people who enjoy outrageous success is testimony to the fact that they have found a straight and direct path to achieving their outcomes.

Champions aren't doing complex things to become champions. They're simply doing ordinary things in an extraordinary way.

I'll not only show you what to do and how to do it, but also create within you the intensity, will, and desire to do it, using a special mind-conditioning process
as scientific and as measurable and as quantifiable as you please.

?? want to finally break a record, make big money, buy that house, own that car, or win the love of your life. You are tired of not performing and want to show the world once and for all that you're made of the right stuff.

?? are just plain fed up with getting upset over not succeeding. You want to have your bills paid, your kids in the best colleges, and to finally feel really good about yourself and on top of the world.

When your mind is transformed you possess followings:

• Vibrant Health,
• Brilliant and Profound mind,
• Creative Expression,
• Competent Personality,
• Career Fulfillment,
• Loving Relationships,
• Happiness,
• Social honor and position,
• And much more….
Why mind transformation is needed for best life? Two famous physicists, Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg were exploring a field that eventually became known as "quantum mechanics." One of the subatomic actions that baffled them was the ability of an electron to suddenly and inexplicably JUMP from one energy level to another. They called this phenomenon...


Today the phrase "quantum leap" has entered the language. It's often used without fully understanding what it means. Basically, it means that sometimes in life we experience a sudden and inexplicable JUMP from one level of existence to another and feel like a king of universe.

Has that ever happened to you?
If not, then pass the Mind Transformation Course and realize ‘A Quantum Leap’.

• How to correct internal self-talk that is tearing you apart. • How to use positive psychology to motivate others to improve.
• Etcetera…
Have an earnest, deep, and driving curiosity about three mind-boggling questions:

1. How can ordinary human beings transform themselves to do what nobody else has been able to do?
2. What drives them to relentless excellence, superlative performance, and record-breaking results?
3. What gives them the energy, drive, and enthusiasm to pursue a dream until they can actually hold it in their hands?

The Challenge: It's Time for You to Dream the Impossible Dream Use The Gold Medal Process!

The impossible dream is just as possible for you if you dare to believe in it. The process of winning a gold medal in the Olympics, creating a million dollar business, or writing a work of literature is the same. Only the strategies and the techniques are different.

Whatever your dream, you can attain it.

Even if you are the first person in the history of the human race to dream it…it is possible.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it. If you can think about it and believe in it, you can have it.

Your will is an irresistible magnetic force that will draw all that you need to accomplish your goal—even when you have nothing going for you at the moment.

Your task is not to ponder how. Your task is to simply ask, “why not?” Be adamant on yourself. Insist on grasping your gift in the present. Insist on using the cumulative force of your will to bring it to you.

The Buddha once said, “Your work is to discover your world, then with all your heart, give yourself to it.” There is a lot of good information. But too much of it. So where do you start?

How did the champions get off the starting block? How did they end their confusion? How did they fill the void in their life to start fulfilling their dreams? How?

All this information. All these experts. Yet the dream still lingers…to find a success system that actually works.

The dream lives on because you want to discover the astonishing secrets to wealth, success, health, happiness and power. You're eager to increase your profits, performance, and success.

You probably want to help others attain the same goals, too.

I've spent years reading and scrutinizing the biographies of successful people I know. I've made notes on everything that I learned.

Then one day, it struck me that they all were in darkness sometime, and the moment they transformed their mind and behaviors the success and happy began to be attracted automatically to them.

I then designed and developed The Mind Transformation Course, which cause irresistibly the success and happiness, and used it on my clients, changing them from deeply disappointed in themselves to immensely delight. They became highly successful.

This discovery will change your life, too. All you have to do is just take a pace.

This is not complicated, and it isn't the same rehashed material about positive thinking. It's an actual system, not more theory.

Are you ready to learn more about how this can be done?

Come and join MTC!

Basically, this is what I want to share with you:

I want to share with you architecture and system of mind, success and happiness, a simple system to follow, like a recipe that will create success for you in any field. All successful ones are the witness.

This is what makes my method unique. It gives you clear, unequivocal, and straight-forward direction.

All you need to do is plug your dream into it and put in the NECESSARY EFFORT.

One can not become a King just by saying ‘I am the King’, without defeating one’s enemies and taking possession of the country.” – One of Dynamic Masters – Acharya Shankara.

“He, who seeketh, findeth”. – Jesus Christ.

Another analogy, I like to use is that it's like a recipe.

The recipe is here.

First do this, and then do that.

It's so clear that you'll be astonished that you didn't discover it for yourself.

But, of course, you still need to make the effort to gather all the ingredients, arrange them neatly before you on the kitchen cabinet, and bake the cake.

Success doesn't happen by itself. It still needs YOU.

Just as a buried treasure will not come out by itself, but needs a good map, digging, removal of obstructing stones and so on to get at it, even so, you need a map to follow. You need a recipe to put together.

But before we get into the method, let's quickly cover the ground over possible errors in using this system, beware of them!

People who try for success but do not succeed have made one of the following mistakes:

a) They are ignorant of one or more of The Principles of Success included in The Mind Transformation Course.
b) They only follow the few principles that they like.
c) They do not follow the principles consistently.
d) They do not follow them thoroughly enough.
e) They miss steps and get confused.
f) They do them in the wrong order.
The system can be adapted for any field of endeavor and for any level of performance that you desire, whether it is the most able person in your company or the best in the world at what you do.

Learning them will enhance and lead you to a dynamic level of awareness and achievement.

This information will help you increase your winnings. It is incredibly valuable for anyone who wants to improve any area of their life. It will be your best kept secret, your secret weapon against the competition.

Prior to finding us, you may have read many self improvement articles, books and also listened audios, and have made some progress too in your personal development. The only problem was that the improvements were not lasting. Things just did not 'STAY'. Some time later you may have found yourself drifting back into the same 'OLD WAYS'. What makes this different, is that this is not new knowledge (although some of it may be new to you) but systematized knowledge and highly practical.

The Benefits:
Why Failure Is No Longer an Option?

Here's a sampling of the many success tactics I weave into The Mind Transformation Course.

1) The easier way to instantly speed up your individual development

2)The easier way to increase your outcome

3)The easier way to hit your full power

4)The easier way to discover what is really possible for you

5)The easier way to attain your boldest visions

6)The easier way to move with effortless speed and intention

7)The easier way to create an atmosphere where others support your success

8)The easier way to control the outcome of your life

9)The easier way to build a rock solid groundwork for enduring victory

10) The easier way to see your big vision

11) The easier way to find out exactly where you are betraying your dreams

12) The easier way to develop your personal plan

13) The easier way to take step-by-step moves toward your goals

14) The easier way to optimize your performance on the day of a special event

15) The easier way to develop a positive philosophy

16) The easier way to maintain a winning attitude

17) The easier way to recover from past upsets quickly

18) The easier way to expand your dream to include everything you really want

19) The easier way to study the missing skills necessary for excellence

20) The easier way to systematically increase action while reducing stress

21) The easier way to put yourself on top of your game

22) The easier way to make more money and enjoy personal power

23) The easier way to accelerate your core activities

24) The easier way to optimize your efficiency

25) The easier way to increase your overall personal outcome

26) The easier way to master the influence of your mind

27) The easier way to discover the effects of your thoughts

28) The easier way to understand the astonishing things that you can do

29) The easier way to improve your results in life

30) The easier way to understand how to reach success

31) The easier way to avoid complex and confusing success strategies

32) The easier way to maintain your right to live your life your way

33) The easier way to take charge of your own power

34) The easier way to tap your deeper intelligence

35) The easier way to release energy

36) The easier way to create a focus and concentrate on your goals

37) The easier way to understand what it means to be in the zone

38) The easier way to put yourself there every day

39) The easier way to improve your performance in the zone

40) The easier way to follow people who succeed

41) The easier way to discover the key to staying in the zone

42) The easier way to get the magic back

How Mind Transformation (MT) takes place?

MT takes place through understanding of the Laws, revealed in the classes of MTC, and altering own behaviors in conformity of them.

MTC is divided into following 4 Rounds, none of them is avoidable, all of 4 rounds are compulsory for Absolute Mind Transformation:

1. 1st round: An Understanding about mind, mind system and the elements which affect or influence mind. 2. 2nd round: Development of favorable elements for transformation of mind, which compel the unfavorable elements to eject them out. 3. 3rd round: Ensuring complete eradication of unfavorable elements from the mind-world. 4. 4th round: Maintenance of developed favorable elements.

MTC comprises the following issues:
1st Round [An Understanding of mind system]

1 An Understanding about Mind Transformation

2 What is mind? Kinds of mind?

3 Behaviors of different kinds of mind.

4 Mind in a perfect one or wise

5 Mind in stupids. 6 Your Brain - A Hardware

7 Your Mind - A Software

8 Catharsis - Mind Detoxification or Scanning for viruses

9 The Law of Belief System

10 The Law - "As you thinketh, so you becometh" (Thought Reform Therapy)

11 The Science of Conviction and how to get benefited with Conviction Power.

12 The Law of Attraction (LOA)

13 The Law of Association

14 The Law of Similarity

15 The Law of Companionship (Company Reform Therapy)

16 Time line - A magnet.

17 Conscious channelization - need to reach the goal.

18 Ascension Activation.

19 Mind System

20 Mind & Consciousness

21 Thought Culture

22 The Law of Karma

23 Understand the importance of TIME

2nd Round [Development of Positive Elements]
24 Discovery of your Higher Self (Meta Prgoramming)

25 Habit, it's effect on life and circumstances. How to transform your habits? (Habit Reform Therapy)

26 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

27 Habit 1: Be proactive: Principles of personal vision.

28 Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind: Principles of Personal Leadership.

29 Habit 3: Put first thing first: Principle of Personal Management.

30 Habit 4: Think win/win: Principle of Interpersonal Leadership.

31 Habit 5: Seek first to understand, and then be understood: Principles of Empathetic Communication.

32 Habit 6: Synergize: Principles of Creative Communication.

33 Habit 7: Sharpen the saw: Principles of balanced self-renewal.

34 5 Fundamental Habits of Glorious Mind

35 Habit 1: Energetic and remember the things. (Energy and Memory Culture)

36 Habit 2: Thinks honestly and act deliberately.

37 Habit 3: Becomes continent.

38 Habit 4: Becomes righteous.

39 Habit 5: Becomes serious.

40 Concentration - a cause of productivity.

41 Wandering mind - a wretched life giver

42 Some much helpful exercises

43 How to develop memory power?

44 Make your ears keen

45 Make your eyes a powerful camera

46 Power of Imagination - An element of Creativity.

47 Power of Visualization - A requisite for well planning.

48 Creativity - killer of competitors.

49 Confidence - A great kind of friends, which makes you successful.

50 Project your qualification

51 ESP Enhancement

52 IQ Enhancement

53 Brain waves and their manipulation for success.

54 Right uses of Energies

55 Will Culture

56 How to develop the Will Power?

57 Dos Do not in Will Culture

58 Use Power of Affirmation

59 Use Power of Negation/Releasing

3rd Round [Eradication of Negative Elements]

60 Overcome shyness

61 Skilled Communication

62 Public Speaking - An Element of Leadership.

63 Staying focused - A great power

64 Fears and Phobias - A great darkness.

65 Memory - A great friend and foe.

66 Stage fright - A great hindrance

67 Influence - A great element of success.

68 Assassinate stress - a merciless killer.

69 Depression - A son of Ignorance.

70 Anxiety - A nature of dull mind.

71 Anger - A guise of Fear.

72 Commitment - A chord.

73 Gratitude - a connectivity to the server.

74 Body Language - A rebellion.

75 Release the past - A compulsion for Development.

76 Obsession - A nature of ridiculous.

77 Look behind appearance.

78 Live beyond so-called religions.

79 Cultivation of meritorious deeds.

80 Fight or fly.

81 Forgetfulness - A great friend and foe.

82 Emotion

83 Judgment

84 Understand your need.

85 Luck - A false imagination.

4th Round [Maintenance of Developed Faculties]

86 Yogic Postures for mental strength

87 Breathing Techniques

88 Yogic locks

89 Yogic gestures

90 Meditation

91 Attentiveness

92 Watching your Thoughts

93 Develop your psychic faculties.

94 Precognition

95 Hypnosis for Self-Development.

96 Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

97 Your Mental Screen

98 Self Analysis

99 Soul Retrieval and Integration

100 Living in trance


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